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Terms and conditions of using the Hotline service

The service is intended exclusively for adult users! By using the service, the user confirms that he is at least 18 years old, that he has read and understood the terms of use, and accepts them completely and unconditionally.

This service is exclusively aimed for fun and all the information published on the site (photos, descriptions, personal data), as well as the information obtained during conversations with the animators do not have to be accurate.

The operators talking to the hotline users are not obliged to disclose their personal information, they may not agree to the making of personal contacts and can use more different nicknames within the service.

Service users are obliged to respect the rules for using the services, and according to the rules the following things are prohibited:
- Any violation of copyrights or any rights defined by the Law,
– Any spread of information and messages that violate any legal provisions,
- Attempts to harass or insult through hotline,
- Publication of a hotline conversation,
- Every attempt to expand racial and religious intolerance.

Users, as well as operators, are by no means obliged to give their personal information or to present themselves accurately.

By sending SMS or a call, the user automatically gives the consent to receive free messages or an advertisement call by the Service Provider.

The service provider and its partners are not responsible for possible errors in the system or on the side of fixed and mobile operators, as well as for any technical problems arising from the use of the service. Requirements to the service provider made due to compensation for material or non-material damage arising from the use or misuse of the information provided, or the use of incorrect and incomplete information are basically excluded, if the author did not commit provably deliberate or grossly negligent fault.